Thursday, 3 April 2008

Day 2

No, it's okay, I'm awake. I was laying here with my eyes shut, trying to remember, but the memories seem just beyond my grasp at the moment.

Was I in an accident? You're sure? I guess that's something to be thankful for. I just... I don't understand. I can't remember anything except my name. Assuming that memory is accurate, of course. Oh... really? Well, thank you - at least you've confirmed the one memory I'm sure of is actually true.

I have these vague feelings, outlines of thoughts and memories, like, I know what food is, and I know I must live somewhere, or used to live somewhere, I guess, but the memories are like holes, their shape defined by the things around them, rather than having details of their own.

Yes, yes I think I would like something to eat. This'll be interesting.

I was wondering, maybe... I wish there were a way to see myself. Maybe that would trigger some kind... what do you mean? A mirror... I guess it's worth a try. I have to trust you as I... well, what choice do I have.

Eat first? Okay.

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